Popingo’s Upgrades Digital Signage with Origin Displays

Origin Display Group Inc., a leading supplier of indoor, outdoor, and digital menu boards announced today that they have completed the design and integration of their Origin Elite menu board system, powered by SmarterSign, for Popingo’s Convenience Stores.

What will start as a new four screen set-up at a single location, it will conclude as a roll-out to their subsequent locations.  Origin Elite was selected by Slade Klack, Popingo’s Vice President of Operations, after he viewed demonstrations of three other companies.  With a digital system already in position Slade had clear objectives when searching for its replacement.

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What to Make of the Menu Board Industry?

You know that thing called the Internet?  Well, it isn’t a fad and it’s not going away.  In fact, some studies have shown that 27% of the world’s consumers do their shopping online with that number creeping to 55% during the holiday season.  It increases even more when you consider those who do competitive “browsing” online only to make a more traditional face-to-face or telephone transaction.

So why do I bring this up?  How does this relate to menu boards, drive-thrus and digital signage?  Quite simply it’s because people are using this avenue to learn, research and buy these types of products just as they would an airplane ticket, a pair of shoes, or a knife set.  Yet, when you compare one menu board company to another, to another, to another, you begin to see that there is not a lot of differentiation between them.  They have similar products at similar price points.

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4 Determinations to Make Before Ordering a Drive-thru Menu Board

What to do?

Restaurant owners seem to have an increased interest in adding drive-thru menu boards to their locations. This should come as no surprise considering that those with drive-thrus see 60-70% of their total revenue pass through the lane. Because of this fact, people become easily enamored with the idea of what a drive-thru could do for […]

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4 Steps to Guide the Signage Process

When it comes to signage we see it time and time again where there simply isn’t enough thought put in to getting the most bang for your buck.  “I need menu boards,” or “I need an outdoor sign with my company name on it,” are examples of the conversation starters we constantly hear.  This isn’t […]

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Tips for Online Menu Board Searches

Menu board search

Gone are the days of pulling out the phone book, looking through the yellow pages and trying to find what you are looking for. The masses are taking to yahoo, bing and mostly Google to search for the goods, services or information they want. When it comes to menu boards and all other ancillary signage […]

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Origin Display Group, Point-of-Purchase Leader, Launches New All-Access Website


Long Island, New York  Origin Display Group, a Long Island-based leader in the menu-board industry, announces the launching of the first of a series of new websites, designed to offer unprecedented accessibility for clients. “We are very excited to have launched our new Menu Boards website,” says Partner Vic Pereira. “This is phase one in a wave […]

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Speaker Post or On-Board Speaker & Mic for Drive-thru Menu Boards?


Drive-thru menu boards come in many shapes and sizes.  They also have to adapt to work in varying locations.  There are several factors that guide you to the final product; amount of menu items, available space, budget, etc.  However beyond all of that, there is always one question that has to get answered, “Do you […]

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4 Thoughts Regarding Deli Menu Boards

Deli Menu Boards

Delis are unique when compared to your typical quick-service restaurants in that they usually have a lot more offerings when it comes to choosing what to eat. Here in Long Island NY, it seems that you’ll find a deli on each and every street corner. Having been to several in my time here, I have […]

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Menu Board Customization Helps Differentiate


Selecting a menu board system to meet your needs can become a frustrating process.  With more and more options becoming available it could be overwhelming.  Personally, I am all about variety being the “spice of life,” but let’s face it, sometimes it just makes it easier when there are less considerations to make; like what […]

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Going Cheap Usually Isn’t Your Best Interest


Do you have anything cheaper?  Is that the best you can do? Do you have any refurbished or used an equipment?  Can you send me an email with all of this information and do a little bit better on the price for me?  I can go on and on with these types of quips that we […]

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